The main objective is to contribute young generation professional development, implementation and scale up of evidence-based and cost-effective intervention in young professional and social sector. The specific objectives are:
To gain a greater understanding of professional development issues and explore possible solutions through quality research and development keeping the focus on youths
To promote quality research and research communications towards development of evidence-based policy and practice in the field of youth
To review and analyze the policies and programmes effectiveness at local, and national level and understand their implications in professional services and social development
To ensure functional linkage and collaboration among policy makers, Programme managers, researchers, social scientists, and institutions with similar objectives with a view to the institutionalization of Programme-based operational research in youth programmes
To enhance access to information on young generation and social development sector to policy makers and practitioners
To involve youths in the field of health, education, environment and economic activities and programs
To support government initiative in the field of youth involvement, youth development and youth related policies